Clinical Studies
Backed by more than 80 independent studies conducted at world-class universities and research institutions, our unmatched health technology improves and extends lives.
Clinical Studies - Highlights
Driven by innovation and proven by science, LifeWave is a breakthrough patented health technology company dedicated to honoring the light of life and harnessing the body’s natural energy to reverse aging and maximize human potential.
Eight independent studies show that our flagship X39 patches work to increase copper-peptide production in blood, which can improve tissue repair, stimulate blood vessel and nerve growth, and improve skin. For example:
A double-blind randomized control study published in the International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences revealed a significant increase in the production of 8 amino acids, which improved short-term memory, sleep, and vitality.
A double-blind test published in the journal Internal Medicine Research showed a significant increase in copper-peptide concentrations in the blood of subjects who had worn patches X39 patches for 1 week.
Seven studies done between 2010 and 2015 confirm that the Aeon patches produce a relaxation effect within as little as 20 minutes after patch placement. The patches do this by positively affecting the autonomic nervous system and increasing dopamine production.
Study A
A study done by independent statistical consulting company JC Eickhoff detected significant changes in glutamate amino acid and LDOPA levels. Glutamate and LDOPA are both neurotransmitters that help to keep your brain functioning properly. Glutamate especially plays a major role in shaping learning and memory. Glutamate needs to be present at the right concentrations in the right places at the right time.
Study B
A study done at the University of Texas at El Paso showed that the Aeon (previously X-15) patches improved cellular physiologic functional status of the liver, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, and thyroid gland.
Carnosine is recognized as a dipeptide present in our brains, hearts, stomachs, kidneys, and eyes, and is recognized as an antioxidant that scavenges free radicals, protects the brain, and affects the immune system. Several independent studies show that LifeWave’s Y-Age Carnosine effectively increases parasympathetic nervous system activity, which can improve cognition, flexibility, balance, strength, and endurance.
Study A
A study done by scientists at the University of Texas at El Paso showed very significant or highly significant improvement in the physiologic functional status of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, intestine, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid.
Study B
In a pilot human study, the carnosine patch significantly decreased the lactate threshold of individuals who regularly trained for endurance events. The lactate threshold (LT) determines how long one can exercise effectively without passing into fatigue. Fatigue onset is rapid above the LT, but efforts just below the LT can be sustained for hours by well-trained athletes.
Glutathione, sometimes called the “master” antioxidant, is a vital intracellular tripeptide molecule that plays a central role in cellular physiologic functions. It’s popular for its ability to minimize oxidative stress, which can limit the detrimental effects of intense and unaccustomed exercise. In other words, increasing glutathione levels in the blood can decrease oxidative stress, which could increase health and performance.
Study A
A study presented at the 26th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference in 2010 confirmed that glutathione patches worn 12 hours daily for 4 weeks significantly improved cellular physiologic function.
Study B
A 2008 study done by Dr. Steven Haltiwanger, MD, CCN, Health and Science Director at LifeWave, showed that our Glutathione patches did increase blood glutathione levels better than glutathione supplements or injections.
Although the measurement of pain is subjective and qualitative, various studies confirm that the IceWave patches reduce participants’ perception of pain.
In 2013, one of the leading pain management experts in France, Dr. Pierre Volckmann, conducted a double-blind placebo-controlled study in five French hospitals. A staggering 94 percent of the 100 study participants experienced pain relief within minutes of use.
A 2011 study showed the effectiveness of IceWave® patches in a number of diverse pain conditions ranging from: arthritic, lower back, neck, shoulder, sciatic, sports-related, car accident-related, scapular, and knee pain.
As we all know, good sleep provides us with so many foundational benefits. It helps us feel more refreshed and mentally aware and give us strength to perform our daily tasks. Studies show that Silent Nights patches improve sleep significantly, making life better!
Study A
A 2011 open-label pilot study demonstrated that Silent Nights patches improved sleep in 72 to 88 percent of study participants.
Studies show that SP6 Complete patches do what they say they do: help you lose weight.
Study A
A February 2012 study showed that, on average, the SP6 Complete 4-week program produced positive outcomes at both study sites with approximately 5 lbs. (2.3kg) of weight loss and a waist size reduction of more than 1.5 inches (3.8cm).
Good skin helps us feel and look better. Alavida patches have been proven to increase hydration and improve firmness and appearance.
Study A
A study done by BioScreen Testing in Torrance, CA found that, when used together, the Daily Refresh Facial Nectar, Nightly Restore Facial Crème, and Alavida Patch provided results in as little as 10 minutes, increasing skin hydration, improving skin firmness and the appearance of the evenness of skin tone, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and improving the overall appearance of skin.
The pain that horses experience can be hard for humans to manage, both because of the language barrier and because the horses might resist orally administered pain killers. In this case, patches help relieve pain on the spot and without the fight.
Study A
A study done by veterinarians at Coffman Ranch in California and scientists affiliated with Comprehensive Pain Management of Portland, Biostatistics, Inc. in San Diego, and the Department of Electrical of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at El Paso found that AcuLife patches dramatically reduced pain in horses.
Clinical Studies - All
A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study of the LifeWave Technology as it Relates to the Improvement of Strength endurance in high-performance college athletics
Based on the data collected and the results obtained it was demonstrated that the LifeWave technology is a method for the improvement of athletic performance, and more particularly a means by which an individual may increase their net stamina/strength endurance output.
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Double-Blind Testing of the Lifewave X39 Patch to Determine GHK-Cu Production Levels
A double-blind test published in the journal Internal Medicine Research showed a significant increase in copper-peptide concentrations in the blood of subjects who had worn patches X39 patches for 1 week.
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Phototherapy Induced Metabolism Change Produced by the LifeWave X39 Non-transdermal Patch
A double-blind randomized control study published in the International Journal of Research Studies in Medical and Health Sciences revealed that X39 patches caused a significant increase in the production of 8 amino acids, which improved short-term memory, sleep, and vitality.
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Changes in Tripeptides Produced by the LifeWave X39 Patch
This pilot study explored changes in amounts of GHK and GHK-Cu present in blood due to wearing the LifeWave X39 patch for 1 week. There was a significant increase of GHK in blood seen at and again at 7 days.
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Experimental Study of LifeWave, Inc. X39 Patches
The pilot study demonstrates a statistically significant positive changes in the biofields of members of the experimental group when compared to the control group.
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LifeWave X39 Pilot Demonstrates Light Triggered Changes
The purpose of this study was to determine if metabolic and physiological changes were produced by participants wearing the LifeWave non-transdermal X39 phototherapy patch. While this is a small sample of convenience, the positive results in this study suggest that further investigation needs to be done. Both the effect that appears to produce a number of significant amino acid changes in a short period of time and the improvement in short-term memory, which are particularly relevant to an ageing population, should be explored.
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Non-Invasive Scanning and Subtle Energy Testing Lab Effect of LifeWave X39 Patches on Brain as Seen with P3 Brain Mapping: Preliminary Results
The purpose of this pilot project was to use brain mapping to assess any differences in brain function after using LifeWave X39 patches for 6 weeks. The majority of participants started with an overactive brain, and their brains calmed down significantly after 3 weeks of wearing the X39 patch.
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Bone and Muscle Support in Ageing Women with Life Wave X49 Patch
In a recent study published in the Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research, researchers found that X49 supports bone and muscle health in aging women.
Throughout the study, women aged 40-80 wore the X49 patch for 60 days. In most of them, X49 elevated the production of the natural peptide AHK-cu, as well as certain essential amino acids, leading researchers to "strongly suggest that X49 decreases the breakdown of bone during the cycle of bone repair.
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A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Heart Rate Variability Investigation to Evaluate the Quantitative Effects of the Organic Nanoscale Aeon Patch on the Autonomic Nervous System
This study provides supportive evidence that stimulation of an acupuncture point by Y-Age Aeon patches improves the physiological functional status of 7 organs as measured by an Electro Interstitial Scanning (EIS) system. The improvement in organ function is supportive of an anti-aging claim. This also supports the idea that increasing use of the patches improves the effects on cellular organ function.
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Amino Acid, Neurotransmitter, GCV and Physiological Testing of the LifeWave Y-age Aeon Patches
The significant changes detected for Glutamate p< 0.027 and LDOPA p<0.013 within the active group and for LDOPA p< 0.0046 between active and controls for neurotransmitter parameters would be consistent with increases in Dopamine production and is significant as Dopamine is necessary in smooth muscle motor coordination and the continued beating of a person’s heart. The significant change in the amino acids Cysteine p< 0.025, Glutamine p< 0.031, Serine p< 0.0211 and Proline p< 0.037 in only a day is also relevant. Rapid positive change in LDOPA is consistent with the advertised function of the Y-Age Aeon product as is the increase in Glutamine.
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Characterizing the Effect of the Energy Emitted by LifeWave Patches on Human DNA
This study is designed to demonstrate that Lifewave Energy Enhancer and Y-Age Aeon patches emit an energy field and to develop a cell-free in-vitro bioassay for this emitted energy. Human DNA was used as a target biomolecule because it is known to respond to both classical and non-classical electromagnetic (EM) fields.
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Implications of Heart Rate Rhythm Analysis for the Study of LifeWave [Y-Age Aeon] Patches
This study provides supportive evidence that stimulation of acupuncture points (CV6 and CV17) by Y-Age Aeon patches has a physiological effect on the body of increasing parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system as evidenced by electrocardiogram.
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Application of Carnosine Patch Improves Cellular Physiological Status in Different Organs
A study done by scientists at the University of Texas at El Paso showed very significant or highly significant improvement in the physiologic functional status of the pancreas, liver, kidneys, intestine, adrenal glands, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and thyroid.
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Nanoscale Carnosine Patches Improve Organ Function
Conducted in 2010, this double blind, placebo-controlled study shows that the Y-Age Carnosine patch significantly increases flexibility, balance, strength and endurance in healthy humans. These increases range as high as 125 percent for strength and endurance, nearly 30 percent for flexibility, and 100 percent for balance. Further, it’s likely that this patch produces greater or sustained effects when worn for longer periods. These results also demonstrate that this patch considerably decreases the lactate threshold and heart rate at lactate threshold, improving endurance in athletic performance. Importantly, no test subjects experienced adverse effects wearing the Y-Age Carnosine patch.
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Report for Pilot Clinical Study of LifeWave Y-age Carnosine Patch in Lowering Blood Lactate Levels
The results demonstrate that the carnosine patch significantly decreases the lactate threshold and heart rate at lactate threshold. This means that the carnosine patch can improve endurance in athletic performance.
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Testing LifeWave Anti-Aging Carnosine Patches for Restoring Mental Decline
Those participants in the treatment group who wore carnosine patches achieved significant improvement in cognitive function.
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Effect of Novel Nanoscale Energy Patches on Spectral and Nonlinear Dynamic Features of Heart Rate Variability Signals in Healthy Individuals During Rest and Exercise
Scientists at the University of Texas at El Paso and Flinders University of South Australia found that Energy Enhancer patches had significant and clearly distinguishable effects on important heart-rate variability signal features.
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Effects of Energy Enhancer Patches on Cortisol Production, Peripheral Circulation, and Psychological Measures: A Pilot Study
This study confirms that Energy Enhancer has significant metabolic effects, which increase energy, stamina and performance. These results include a substantial improvement in maximum aerobic capacity.
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Effects of LifeWave Patches on Acupuncture Meridians & Biophoton Emission in Human Subjects (pilot study)
This infrared study demonstrates both local and whole-body effects occur as demonstrated by thermal changes both locally and distal to the site of application of the patches. This study also showed that reduction in temperature and inflammation was also measurable within five (5) minutes. This study is supportive of a device that modifies physiological processes in the body. This study also provides support that the Energy Enhancer patches have a physiological response on the autonomic nervous system.
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Acuscope and Skin Conductance along Meridians: Before and After LifeWave Energy Patches
This study examined the effect of the Energy Enhancer patches on meridian conductance at four different acupuncture points measured by a biofeedback instrument. This study was based on the premise that energy flow throughout the body is transmitted through the meridian pathways. The study did show that skin conductance increases with the application of the Energy patch device to acupuncture points. Increasing skin conductance is evidence of a physiological change in the body.
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Biocoherence and Lifewave Energy Enhancement Patches Utilizing Bionetic-Feedback Assessment
Overall changes in modulation, amplitudes, and energy distribution were noted in this study. Comparison between initial readings and final readings when patches were worn demonstrated shifts in available energy potentials between 18-33% over baseline data for all test subjects. In summary, Energy Enhancer patches did promote a renormalization or increase in biocoherence.
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Case Studies on the Effect of LifeWave Energy Enhancer, IceWave, Glutathione Patches on Human Energy Field
The majority of study participants wearing the patches showed positive changes in their biofields.
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Characterizing the Effect of the Energy Emitted by LifeWave Patches on Human DNA
This study is designed to demonstrate that Lifewave Energy Enhancer and Y-Age Aeon patches emit an energy field and to develop a cell-free in-vitro bioassay for this emitted energy. Human DNA was used as a target biomolecule because it is known to respond to both classical and non-classical electromagnetic (EM) fields.
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Heart Rate Variability Enhancement Through Nanotechnology: A Double Blind Randomized-Control Pilot Study
These results suggest that LifeWave Energy Patches appear to act on the autonomic cardiovascular factors influencing heart rate variability in the hypothesized direction. This technology can be used to augment neurotherapy especially in cases characterized by chronic stress or fatigue factors.
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Heart Rate Variability Signal Parameters Quantify Skin Cooling Effect of Energy Patches During Rest and Exercise in Young Healthy Individuals
This study shows that the normalized LF/HF derived from spectral analysis of HRV signals could be used to quantify the parasympathetic dominance or the localized skin cooling effect of non-transdermal energy patches during rest and immediately after mild exercise in young healthy individuals.
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Human Clinical Study of the Efficacy of LifeWave Energy Patch in Improving Flexibility, Strength and Endurance in Healthy Humans
A pilot human clinical study examined the efficacy of the LifeWave Energy Patch to increase flexibility, strength and endurance in ten healthy subjects. Results indicate that Life Wave Patches significantly increase performance in one flexibility test and three different tests of strength and endurance.
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Investigative Study of Long-Term Effects of LifeWave Patches Using Electro Meridian Analysis System (EMAS)
There was a definite trend in perceived energy or lack thereof in direct relationship to using the active patch (i.e., energy increased) or the passive patch (i.e., energy decreased) and the readings that corresponded to wearing of the patch.
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Responsiveness of Horses to Biofrequency Modulation After Acupuncture Palpation
Energy Enhancer patches, when placed according to the technique outlined in this paper, consistently alleviated back pain in horses, as assessed by acupuncture palpation.
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The Effect of a Non-Transdermal Surface Patch on Mitochondrial Function
Application of the LifeWave Energy Enhancer patch produced a significant increase in maximum aerobic ATP, maximum ATP from fatty acid metabolism, resting ATP, and maximum aerobic work.
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A Double-Blind Placebo Controlled Clinical Efficacy Evaluation of a Patch to Soothe Knee Pain
This study showed the effectiveness of IceWave patches in subjects with pain, inflammation, contracture and muscular tension. Improvements in range of motion and an almost immediate effect were noted. Improvements were noted in subjects with neck pain (cervical), back pain (lumbar), shoulder pain, knee pain, foot pain, toe pain, and eye pain.
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LifeWave Scientific Study by Means of an NM4 Gauge
This study, involving over 100 patients, demonstrated that the use of the IceWave class 1 medical device for pain control had a very important and almost immediate effect on the moderation of the muscular contractions and tensions, as well as of associated pain.
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A Placebo-Controlled Randomized Study on the Effects of IceWave Patches on the Reduction of Pain
The treatment group showed a significant difference in reduction of pain over the 7 days compared with the control group (p<0.0001).
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Case Studies on the Effect of LifeWave Energy Enhancer, IceWave, Glutathione Patches on Human Energy Field
The majority of study participants wearing the patches showed positive changes in their biofields.
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Effect of IceWave Organic Nanoscale Patches on Reduction of Musculoskeletal Pain
This study clearly showed that use of the IceWave patch decreased subject’s perception of pain as soon as one hour after application.
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Infrared Thermal Imaging Quantifies the Efficacy of IceWave Patches in Musculoskeletal Pain Relief in Horses
This study demonstrated a reduction in back pain in 38 horses with a confirmation of a reduction in inflammation by an objective test called infrared thermal imaging. Infrared thermal imaging, also known in the literature as medical infrared thermal imaging, is a non-invasive diagnostic imaging procedure which detects and records surface skin temperatures by measuring the variations in heat that is spontaneously emitted from body surfaces. Since heat dissipation through the surface skin is mainly in the form of infrared radiation, infrared thermal imaging offers an effective way to study the physiology of thermoregulation and the thermal dysfunction associated with pain.
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Investigative Study of Biochemical Effects of LifeWave Patches Using Bio-explorer Technology
This study showed the effectiveness of IceWave patches on chronic back pain and demonstrated an anti-inflammatory response.
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LifeWave Patches Research (IceWave and Gluthatione)
It seems clear that the LifeWave IceWave patches have a profound effect on pain management and LifeWave Glutathione patches have a profound effect in detoxification. In addition to the analysis part of the data, during experiments changes witnessed in the biofield were strongly positive in the after scans.
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LifeWave Research Study, World Peace Centre
This study showed the effectiveness of IceWave patches in almost 90% of subjects. Maximum changes were seen in the muscles of the hand, mid and lower back, and neck. These are the same locations that subjects in other studies have experienced pain relief. Use of these objective instruments demonstrates that physiological changes are being measured when IceWave patches are worn.
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Nanoscale Wearable Devices Reduce Qualitative and Quantitative Measures of Neuromuscular Pain
This study showed the effectiveness of IceWave patches in a number of diverse pain conditions ranging from arthritic, lower back, neck, shoulder, sciatic, sports-related, car accident-related, scapular, and knee pain.
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Open-label Pain Study Comparing the Effects of the IceWave Pain Patches to the Regular Treatment of Various Pain Medications
The FAPC results revealed that in general there were no statistically significant differences between the level of pain while performing a variety of demanding tasks and the baseline pain in the painful areas. This could be interpreted as follows: usage of IceWave patches and pain meds could not eliminate the cause of pain; however, they were effective in ameliorating the qualitative and quantitative measures of pain
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Osteoarthritis Double-Blind Placebo Controlled LifeWave Med Pain Relief Study
LifeWave IceWave patches were shown to reduce pain significantly as compared to placebo one hour after application.
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Summary of IceWave Clinical Research Study – Infrared Imaging
The LifeWave IceWave patches create a cooling response to skin temperature readings.
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Hormonal, Amino Acid, Neurotransmitter, GDV and Physiological Testing of the LifeWave Silent Nights Patches
While this study’s sample size was small, all participants experienced a significant change in serotonin levels. Serotonin is a precursor necessary to make melatonin. Two participants even saw a 202% increase in melatonin over 7 days.
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The Effects of LifeWave Silent Nights Patches on Sleep
LifeWave Silent Nights improved quality of sleep, length of sleep and decreased daytime sleepiness in 72% or more of these 25 individuals.
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Treatment of Insomnia with Energetic Acupuncture Point Activation: A Double-Blind Placebo Randomized Trial
This study used three standard scales and questionnaires used in sleep studies. The participants who wore Silent Nights patches showed sleep improvements in all three scales.
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Mild Stimulation of Stomach 36 Acupuncture Point by Organic Nanoscale SP6 Patch Improves Cellular Physiologic Functional Status of Different Organs
All tested organs achieved significant improvement in their functional physiologic status after wearing the SP6 Patch 12 hours a day for 1 week compared to baseline with an overall average statistical power > 89% as measured by EIS.
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SP6 Improves Organ Function
The overall data in this study demonstrated that SP6 patches worn daily over a period of 1 week produced a highly significant improvement in physiologic functional status of the liver, pancreas, right and left kidneys with an average statistical power > 97% and a very significant improvement in the functional status of the thyroid, intestines and hypothalamus with an average power >87% and a significant improvement in the adrenal glands with an average statistical power > 75%. Stated differently all organs except the pituitary gland achieved significant cellular physiologic functional status improvement compared to baseline with a statistical power of >89%.
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Clinical Evaluation of the Efficacy of a Skin Care Regimen to Improve Skin Conditions
Nearly 90% of subjects saw significant, overall improvement in appearance after 3 weeks. One-hundred percent of subjects reported an immediate, significant improvement in skin hydration. Over 70% of subjects experienced significant improvement in skin firmness after only 3 weeks. Nearly 80% of subjects confirmed significant improvement in skin radiance after 6 weeks.
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The LifeWave Alavida Non-transdermal Anti-aging Patch Improves Cellular Functional Status in Different Organs
The overall data in this study demonstrated that the wearing of a new Alavida Patch nightly for 5 consecutive nights a week with 2 nights off for a duration of 30 days produced a highly significant (p<0.001) improvement in the physiologic functional status of the frontal lobes, hypothalamus, adrenals, thyroid gland, pituitary gland and liver with a statistical power of at least 99%.
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AcuLife Patches Produce Pain Relief in Horses
The overall data demonstrated that in every case there was a change in the sensitivity of the palpated points after application of the AcuLife Patches to painful points. In each case the sensitivity and pain observed were considerably lower compared to pre-patch application. The infrared thermal imaging data showed related changes as noted in palpation data sheets. In some cases, there was not just a cooling effect, but sometimes there was a warming effect: an obvious attempt of the body to balance the system.
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Single-Site, Open-Label Study Testing Horses for Traces of Performance Enhancing Drugs (PEDs) post AcuLife Application
AcuLife patches are used for the treatment of pain in horses and can be used without fear of introducing PEDs in the horse, especially in times of competition.
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Additional Information
Acupressure On Weight Reduction In Asian Young Adults
This study showed that the 55 young adults who received ear acupressure over 8 weeks experienced more weight loss from waist to hip than the control group.
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The Treatment Of Obesity By Acupuncture
Acupuncture stimulates the auricular branch of the vagal nerve, which has been shown to increase tone in the smooth muscle of the stomach, thus suppressing appetite. It also controls stress and depression via endorphin and dopamine production. In addition to these effects, it is thought that the increases of plasma levels of beta endorphin naturally occurring after acupuncture application can contribute to body weight. This is accomplished by mobilizing the body energy depots by lipolithic effect. Through these mechanisms, acupuncture application can be seen as an effective therapy in the treatment of obesity.
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Acupressure And Antioxidants
Auricular pellet acupressure can increase the concentration of antioxidative enzymes in persons with high-risk diabetes mellitus.
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Acupressure and Anti-aging
Evidence documents the ability of acupressure to increase the length of telomeres, which are molecules at the ends of chromosomes. This increase has potential applications for anti-aging and cancer treatments, according to scientists and the Heart Disease Research Foundation.
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Acupressure And Pain Reduction
This study found that acupressure was effective in reducing low back pain in terms of disability, pain scores, and functional status. The benefit was sustained for six months.
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Acupressure And Sleep Improvement
Data obtained indicate that H7-insomnia control is efficacious to ameliorate quality of sleep and reduce anxiety levels in insomniacs.
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Acupressure And Mental Clarity
The use of an ancient Jewish prayer ritual that uses two small leather boxes placed on specific points on the head indicates some correlation with acupressure.
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Acupressure And Morning Sickness
This study showed that an acupressure wristband might be an alternative therapy for morning sickness in early pregnancy, especially before pharmaceutical treatment is considered.
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Different Types of Nanotechnology Devices
by Seve Haltiwanger, M.D., C.C.N.
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Dr. Dean Clark
by Steve Haltiwanger, M.D., C.C.N.
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U.S Anti-Doping Agency
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World Anti-Doping Agency
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LifeWave Strength Test at Morehouse College
In this double-blind, placebo-controlled study, 44 student athletes at Morehouse wore either real LifeWave patches or placebo patches. The participants in the LifeWave group experienced a much greater average improvement in repetitions of 225 lb. and 185 lb. bench press—even after an intense 60-minute upper-body workout:
- The placebo group experienced an average improvement in repetitions from Monday to Thursday of 4.9%.
- The LifeWave group experienced an average improvement in repetitions from Monday to Thursday of 34%.
Our Founder
David Schmidt
Founder & CEO
David’s education and understanding of science, combined with his restless imagination, have created an insatiable desire to change the world. His experience in business and product development spans over 30 years and includes 90+ patents.
Throughout his career, David has been key in developing energy-production technology for both military and commercial applications. He was invited by the U.S. Navy to be a part of an elite research team tasked with developing a product to help mini-sub crews stay awake without drugs or stimulants.
Through this extensive research, David developed a patch that would increase energy in the body using phototherapy. This would become the first LifeWave prototype: Energy Enhancer.
Now, his mission is to improve health and extend lives throughout the world with this innovative wearable health technology.

*All content regarding the science behind LifeWave's products is based on and may contain elements for the science of both phototherapy and acupressure. LifeWave products are categorized under one of these two scientific classifications depending on local laws and regulations. Any promotion of LifeWave products must remain consistent with official local classifications. Please refer to the official literature and rules of your country's governing communications body to understand which is most accepted in your area.